Winnie The Pooh And The Disappointing Day
Expectations vs. reality.
Expectations vs. reality.
If you can't catch a throwing star, you aren't a ninja.
Just stay calm, they don't suspect a thing.
Don't misplace your stomach, lunchtime is the most important meal of the day.
Luckily for cow #223, she won't have to wait much longer to achieve her aspirations.
The sleepover was going great until Trent decided to put on the latest slasher flick in the Jack the Lumberjack series.
Little did Garry the Goldfish know, Jeff the Cat's idea of playing was... different.
This one is also for Trevor—because Trevor loves the Aliens franchise and honestly, I wanted a reason to draw a xenomorph.
Don't be shy, grab a beer and hop in.
We've all hurt our backs before, do yourself a favor and weigh things before you lift them.
This one is for Trevor—because he's a scientist and scientists use the metric system like logical lifeforms should.
It's lonely for a leaf in the fall.
This one is for all my snowboarders out there. We know the perfect day is a powder day.
Remember kids, when scuba diving, always use the buddy system.
What do mom and dad pack you for lunch? It was always PB&J for me.
Extreme sports had to start somewhere. This comic depicts the original thrill seekers!
This one is for Mike, who never forgets the beer.
This one is for the artists and the designers.
No one wants to meet their girlfriend's parents, but imagine how much less appealing it would be if she was from a family of dragons.
This plumber has a demanding day job! He used up his red mushrooms rescuing Peach from Bowser.
Aliens get hungry too. Makes sense they would stop in to grab some takeout while passing through the Milky Way.
This comic is for the hikers and campers. May the great outdoors always be untamed and the wilderness full of rambunctious wildlife.
Don't worry, Alfred stocks extra pants in the Batmobile for these types of tricky situations.